Technology Articles, Information and Information
Today, computers have undergone extensive functionality in many areas of human life. Almost all the social elements of both in a private organization / country, from the office of the central government to villages all the work has involved computer as the main tool. Not only that, in a more kecilpun sekup (family) now there is a computer in their home. For some families sometimes even have more than one, of course adjusted to the number of productive family members and their financial capabilities. Even for teens who have been in high school or college, may become mandatory to have this tool. All of it is very possible now that the price of a PC (Portable Computer) or popularly known as home computers, not as expensive as a few years ago. With money Rp 750.000, - you can bring home a Second PC that is ready to wear with a note that minimal features and capabilities.
As devices are required to work hard in every operation, computer technology into one endless piece for exploration. Imagine, the latest computer technology is always present to follow the ever-changing conditions over the times. From manufacturers parties themselves, it is very important because in addition to running the company as well as efforts to maintain its existence. Breakthroughs and discoveries both in the form of software or computer hardware often graced headlines in the mass media and information sites that have been widely circulated. In fact, as it is considered as a topic that has become a lifestyle community at large, some media gave special portion on their news page.
Although not many people mention it, but if we look at some of the articles from the latest computer technology, there are some features in Windows 7 that has some similarities with Windows XP it is sufficient as evidence. In September 2012, Windows XP is used almost 61.91% of computer users in the world have a reduced antero touched the figure of 42.52%. And in the same period of Windows 7 has increased from 17.64% rate increase in the range of 42.76%. A glorious achievement of Microsoft where in a relatively short time was able to prove consumer loyalty to their works.
Indeed, ongoing technological developments. Also did not escape the world of computers, which today continues to have new innovations. One of them is a computer with a go green theme, and many other innovations. Therefore, the increasing number of developing this technology, you need to know how current technological developments. Therefore, here I will write an article for your technology, that may help you.
Computers more years of growing, and eventually formed the processors found his name in 1971. After the incident, computers become smaller, because a lot of the components are put together, and its role was replaced by the processor. After that, along with the development of computers, LAN was found for the efficiency of data transmission, sharing tools, or others. After expanding from year to year, is now a computer as we see today.
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