Monday, May 27, 2013

Zero-size Intelligence

Computer brains (or chips) have diminished in size -- some powered by just five atoms, and one-atom developments about 10 to 20 years down the road.
Lucidio Studio Inc./Getty Images

No one wants to be called a zero in terms of intelligence, but having zero-sized intelligence in computing means packing a whole lot of brains in a tiny, tiny package. Computer companies encourage forward-thinking creativity, and some, such as Intel, even have futurists on board to predict where technology is headed. Futurist Brian David Johnson sees the future advance of computing to so small a size that the housing for the computer itself is almost zero. We have the technology to put computers almost anywhere and in almost anything. Computers used to take up entire rooms, then whole desktops, laps, and palms, to micro-chip sized casings and atom-powered transistors invisible to the naked eye [source: Seligson]

Many have predicted that the shrinking of computing size would also lead to the end of something called Moore's Law. Gordon E. Moore, a cofounder of Intel, predicted that processor speeds would double every two years, while at the same time, the technology needed to do that would shrink, driving down the cost of computing as well. As computer brains have diminished in size -- with some models powered by just five atoms and one-atom developments about 10 to 20 years down the road -- getting smaller may reach an end point as atomic transistors replace chips. Whether the low cost will trickle down despite the high cost of innovating such small transistors remains to be seen [source: Menegaz].

By : Hermawan Candra Kusuma - 125150200111094


  1. good article gan,
    waw this technology is now more advanced gan. Formerly a computer as big as a closet and now people are increasingly innovating to make the design as small as possible but with the quality of the data transfer faster. cool:)
    but high innovation is also not cheap, because its production requires huge cost.
    Let's a spirit of informatics engineering students to continue to innovate, are now the latest technology inventions are always the West, indeed the cost of research in developed countries is assured, but do not give up to participate innovate in developing countries.
    The most important spirit and a willingness to innovate:)

    by : PITALOKA (125150200111091)

  2. Interesting.
    The development of computer technology is sure fast. I wonder how small the processor 10 or 20 years from now on, and also their capability. Beside that, I wonder what kind of computer we will have in the future. Maybe it won't have physical monitor and keyboard.

    Okky Eldiana (125150200111092)
