Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Robot can falling in love

Researchers from the National University of Singapore believes could create a robot capable of love. This robot is equipped with artifisial.Robot hormone is a human creation and have no feelings, so should the robot can not fall in love.

But Hooman Samani, artificial intelligence researcher at the Social Robotics Lab, National University of Singapore wanted to prove that robots can fall in love.

These researchers believe can create Lovotics, ie a robot that can love. They are created by applying all the emotions and biological components like those of humans.

The components in question are artificial hormones such as dopamine, seratonin, oxytocin, and endorphins, which can flow in the body of the robot and create a 'feeling'.

For business psyche, scientists developed from MRI scans of human brain organs to create artificial intelligence. With artificial intelligence robot that can love. And, if we love him, he will be loved back.

Like human relationships, this robot will mempu loving humans through interaction patterns. Through interaction with the object of his choice, he will create a relationship.

Even from that interaction, the robot is able to feel bored, jealous, angry, love, happiness, and so on. Interaction is done via a touch, or other ways that ordinary humans do.
Jika Anda menolak pelukan si robot, ia akan kesal. Dan jika si robot melihat Anda berinteraksi dengan manusia lain, atau sibuk mengutak-atik kabel USB pada PC Anda, ia jadi cemburu. Mengingatkan Anda pada karakter persocon, Chi, di serial animasi Jepang Chobits?
Tujuan utama peneliti menciptakan Lovotics adalah untuk mulai memperkenalkan era hubungan antara manusia dengan robot. Jika kita bisa punya hubungan yang berarti dengan teman online atau anjing peliharaan, peneliti ini yakin, dengan robot pasti juga bisa.

Tunggul Prastyo Sriatmoko 125150200111082


  1. why u choose 2 language in your article...
    english n indonesian....
    if realy happend robotic in your article..what do u think about feeling human?


  2. I disagree with this article. It can make a bad relationship.
    Human-robot relations is different from a dog or the other living creatures.
    Someone's imagination will change if only noticed the robot.
    How can human fall in love with the robot?
