Most of us have been using one online mapping program
or another for years now. They're a godsend for those of us who get lost within
a 3-mile radius of our homes, and they're just plain fun for people who enjoy
figuring out where stuff is.
With this in
mind, imagine how amazing Google Earth must be for it to
elicit awe from the online community and cause South Korea to demand changes to
the program.
Google Earth
is no ordinary mapping application. Type "Denver, CO" into the Google
Earth search box, and yes, you can learn where Denver, Colo. is in relation to
Grand Junction, Colo. and how to get from your address to 1600 Curtis St. in
downtown Denver. In the same search, though, you can also learn that 1600
Curtis St. is in the 80202 zip code and that there are 12 Starbucks
Coffee shops within a half-mile radius of that address;
you can zoom out from 1600 Curtis St. and watch it disappear into a satellite
view of the Earth and
then zoom back in as if you were falling onto 1600 Curtis St. from space; and
if you click on "Forbidden City" in the "Sightseeing"
column, you can see what it would look like to fly Superman -style
from 1600 Curtis St. in Denver to the Forbidden Palace in Beijing, China .
And you thought the world was small
The application
is fairly easy to use, but there are a lot of functions to try out. See how
Google Earth gets images and data and learn how you can get started with Google
Earth so you can explore some of the features and customization options.
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